The Best Sizes For Custom Tap Handles

Size is an important element to consider as you begin the design phase of your custom tap handles. A tap handle too tall or too wide could turn a bar tender’s occupational nuisance into a campaign against your product. With that said, remember our goal is to help you...

Do Custom Tap Handles Sell More Beer?

People often ask us, “Do tap handles really sell more beer?” The answer is yes, they really do. It’s true a large portion of people place their order based on the tap handle. Custom tap handles are more influential than you’d think since the designs in sight resonates...

Welcome To Custom Beer Tap Handles!

Welcome To Custom Beer Tap Handles! Gathering after work, exploring the beer menu in hopes of the day’s simplest choice, one turns and elects, “A round of that one there, with the flying monkey on top!” This moment connects the beer to every new and returning...